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IPL Eye Massage Beauty Device
IPL Eye Massage Beauty Device
IPL Eye Massage Beauty Device
IPL Eye Massage Beauty Device
IPL Eye Massage Beauty Device

IPL Eye Massage Beauty Device

Regular price $899 $0 Unit price per



A creamy, revitalizing eye & lip mask that simultaneously soothes, energizes and delivers antioxidants with Shea Butter, Vitamin E, and botanicals, even while you’re sleeping. Visibly minimizes fine lines, dark circles and puffiness overnight. 


1. 開機狀態下,智慧感應式啟動,一觸即振。

2. 集發熱+高頻微振+光療一體,配合護膚品使用,具有強大的護膚功效,令肌膚容光煥發,飽滿有彈性。

3. 每分12000次高頻微振動按摩,激活真皮層纖維母細胞,增加膠原蛋白,修復彈性纖維。

4. 熱能按摩頭42°C+-3°C恒溫發熱,喚醒沉睡的肌膚, 令肌膚緊致光滑有彈性。

5. 本產品可智慧識別人體感應,如檢測到兩分鐘未使用,可自動關機,增強產品續航能力及安全性。

6. 藍光,紅光的波長能有效透入肌底,每日堅持使用可以有效增強肌膚彈性,減淡眼周黑色素。

a)“紅光”:動力紅光SKin Power活肌能量有效活化細胞,增強膠原蛋白,肌膚變得柔嫩幼滑。 
b)“藍光”:有效消炎祛痘,收細毛孔,調節肌膚油 脂分泌,控制水油平衡,減少油光滿面及粉刺形成。

7. 按摩頭採用圓弧三角頭設計,緊密貼附肌膚,全方位無死角提拉按摩,鼻翼,嘴角等部位亦輕鬆享受滋養。


【2 in 1 Massager】 High frequency vibration helps to massage and improve blood circulation around the application area. The massage bar will heat up, helping to relax and calm the muscles around the treated area.

【Main Features】Anti-aging eye massager, easily solve the three major problems of dark circles, eye bags and fine lines, leaving your skin looking younger.

【Massage Head with Tilt Design】The tilt angle of the massage head is perfectly designed to perfectly fit the skin of the eyes, forehead, cheeks and cornea, and completely lift and massage the skin, including the nose and mouth.

【USB charging design】The USB charging design uses high energy lithium batteries for a longer service life. The cap design keeps it clean and prevents dust from causing secondary skin contamination.

【Designed for the user】Anti-fatigue eye contour pen, stylish, ergonomic and stylish design with incredible comfort. Compact and lightweight, the massager is easy to carry and ideal for on the go.

Eye massager, eye spoon for face massager anti wrinkle concealer eye massager anti aging eye massager anti wrinkle massager

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