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My Account and Profile

Register at My Account to get access to the following benefits:

  • Offers: exclusive samples, private sales, products and promotions.
  • Ease of use: save your personal information; access your orders, rewards, your beauty profile, recently viewed products and review your order history. This can help you speed through the re-order process.
  • Favorites: save a Wish List of your favorite products for easy access

To register, click My Account located at the top of every web page.
You will also be given the option to register when placing an order.
All of the information you supply is strictly confidential. It will only be used by SWISS ORGANIC, to make a delivery or to improve our service to you. It will never be shared or sold.

My Account and Profile | How to Update Your SWISS ORGANIC Profile

To update your account information please sign in by clicking on My Account, located at the top of every web page. You can change your login, password, delivery addresses, and billing information.
If you have forgotten your password, you can request a new one from the Sign In page, by clicking on the forgotten password button, entering your email address and confirming your request. Your new password will then be emailed to you.
You can create, delete, and save multiple delivery addresses in your Account Settings. To create or add a new address, just click on the Create a New Address button. To delete or edit an address, just click on the Edit/Delete buttons located below each address.

My Account and Profile | How to Create a Wish List

Creating your own wish list of products is easy. To add any product(s) to your wish list, simply click the ‘Add to Wish list’ button on the product page of your chosen item. You will be brought to your wish list where the item will be added. You can choose to configure a public or private wish list. You may share the list with family and friends by sending them an e-mail, or you can choose to keep the list personal.
You can also search for other people’s wish lists by using the wish list search tool - by first and last name or by e-mail address.

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Contact our Customer Service Department, please call (852) 3488 4604 or via email

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  • American Express
  • Apple Pay
  • Mastercard
  • PayPal
  • Union Pay
  • Visa

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